Carolin Soldo is the founder of Brand Your Passions. She helps passion based women coaches all over the world build multi-6 figure a year Coaching Businesses from scratch.
As seen in:
Love from my clients:
"I redesigned my coaching program for VIP clients, increased my program price by over 300% from $1500 to $5000, learned how to craft marketing messages that speak directly to my potential clients" Cindy Harvey, Career Coach
"Thank you for supporting me, even when I doubted myself. And thank you for helping me to make over $13k in the 2nd week of my launch! Much Love & Many Blessings!" Jessica Susan Carter, Spiritual Life Coach
In this Masterclass, You'll Discover...
The 6 missing parts that will add at least $25,000 a month to your bottom line - and how to install them in just a few weeks
How to stop manual marketing and create a never ending lead flow that works even if you hop on FB only once a week
How to use the "One to Many" Model - to work less and boost your income instantly!
How to setup your schedule and systems to enroll your leads with ease
The mindset shifts you need as precursors of your big money breakthrough next year
How to get STUNNING results for each and every client - creating more referrals than you know what to do with
Building a Team explained: Who you need to hire, where to find them to finally have the freedom you wanted in the first place