Take the Quiz!
Discover Your
Perfect Niche
Created by Carolin Soldo 
Getting Started
The Perfect Niche Quiz will give you a thorough analysis of your authentic passion, preference, and experiences that allow you to work in certain niches as a Coach. It will single out your perfect niche and suggest a niche that’s in demand, growing, and profitable for you. With your perfect niche, you will create best-selling Coaching Programs and every step you take will feel easier and more aligned with who you really are. 

You will see a series of questions. Please select the answer this is the best fit for you. More than one answer may sound like they fit your situation, but please choose the statement that captures the essence of what is (or would be) most meaningful to you, the majority of the time. Allow 10 to 15 minutes to complete the quiz. 

Please do not rush when taking the quiz. 

Provide your contact information below to get started. This quiz is for ages 18 and older. 

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